Course Structure

The course will run from term to term in keeping with the school term; however we do hold lessons through the half terms and on bank holidays if they fall during the term. The course will vary in length from between 11 – 14 weeks and they will take the following structure:

WEEKS 1 – 2

Introduction with assessment where necessary with possible change of class to match the pupils ability this usually takes place within the beginner groups not the stroke classes.

WEEKS 3 – 8 / 11

Core of the course with attention on the main criteria of the on the group. There will be a contrasting activity at the end of each lesson relating to the awards available at each level.

WEEKS 8 – 11 [Assessment Week]

The pupils in both the beginner classes and stroke classes will be assessed by the instructor. This is done in a very relaxed manner within the beginner groups and more formally in the stroke groups. Consideration will be made as to whether the pupil has reached the desired level to move to the next class.

WEEKS 9 / 12 – 10 / 13

Assessment forms are given to the pupils. From the assessment form you will be able to see if your child is to move class or remain at the same level. The form will give a detailed description of the criteria for each class and there will be comments from the instructor as to the pupils progress over the term.
In the pool attention will now divert towards water skills and working towards the certificates available within each level.

WEEKS 11 – 14

On the final week of the course the pool is given over to free time where the pupils are encouraged to enjoy time in the water and learn through guided discovery. Pool toys are available.


From the assessment form that you receive a new course of lessons can be booked. This will involve either registering at the pool if your child is remaining at the same level and you wish to keep the same day and time for the following term. Or, if your child has changed level or you wish to change their day or time, by completing an enrolment form with a note of your 3 preferred options of day and time for the next course. We will then book the classes and contact you via text on the Friday of enrolment week to notify you of your childs class for the following term.

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