- Please shower your children before their lesson.
- Children should sit on the benches alongside the pool prior to their lesson.
- No outdoor shoes should be worn on poolside or overshoes should be worn.
- No food or drink is to be brought into the pool area.
- No pushchairs should be brought into the building.
- 8 year old & above to use the changing room of their gender only.
- All swimmers should wear close fitting trunks/costumes. The wearing of baggy shorts or beach suits is inappropriate for ‘learning’ and cause unnecessary resistance in the water inhibiting the acquisition of the correct skills.
- No jewellery to be worn whilst swimming except ear studs.
- No running on pool side.
- No throwing objects unless directed to do so by the instructor.
- No chewing gum.
- No videoing or photography.
- Video phones are not to be used in the spectator area or changing rooms.
- Parents/Carers are responsible for taking their children to the toilet and in the changing rooms.
- Good behaviour at all times.
- Respect the facility and the learning environment of other swimmers.
- Swimming hats must be worn by all pupils Blue for those in the shallow end of the pool. Black for those in the deeper end of the pool.