Terms & Conditions

Enrolment Conditions

  • Spaces maybe reserved on enrolment week for up to 7 days to enable you to make payment. Full Payment is required by the end of the current term. A place will not be secured unless payment has been made.
  • Payments can be made by Cash or Bank Transfer.
  • Places are allocated each term as detailed under our enrolment procedure this will involve either registering at the pool if your child is remaining at the same level and you wish to keep the same day and time for the following term. Or, if your child has changed level or you wish to change their day or time, by completing an enrolment form with a note of your 3 preferred options of day and time for the next course. We will then book the classes and contact you via text on the Friday of enrolment week to notify you of your child’s class for the following term.
  • All parents of swimmers must agree and adhere to the Kingfisher School of Swimming Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct and sign on the detail card to say they understand and agree to them.

Waiting Lists

  • A waiting list is held for new pupils wishing to join us for the following term. If due to space limitation your child cannot be offered a space on the next available course you will be contacted and asked if you wish to remain on the waiting list for the following term.

Cancellations and Refunds

  • All fees must be made before the start of the term. Once a course has started the Kingfisher School of Swimming are not obliged to give refunds
  • If you wish to take a holiday during the term, you will still be charged for the full term.
  • Cancellations received 7 days prior to the start of the course will be subject to a 20% cancellation charge (*20% of the specific term’s booking fee).
  • Missed classes due to general illness cannot be refunded or carried over to following courses
  • Should a lesson already in progress or about to start and have to be cancelled for any reason then the Kingfisher School of Swimming is under no obligation to refund the lesson or part thereof
  • There may be circumstances beyond our control and contemplation, in which the pool might not be available for use. Examples of these circumstances include (but are not limited to) damage to the pool, severe weather conditions, power failures. Such circumstances are referred to as ‘Force Majeure’. In such a cases refunds will not be offered.
  • If a pool is closed due to a fault on our part that is within our control or on the pools part, such as pool plant failure, water heating, chemical or quality problems, then a deduction of the cost of 1 lesson from your next enrolment will be offered. If you are not re-enrolling for the following term then we are unable to refund any lessons


  • The Mencap Jubilee Pool is a charity run hydrotherapy pool primarily for the use of the disabled within the local community. The pool committee ask for a £10 annual membership fee from all families that use the pool in whatever capacity. This is a fee that assists with the running of the pool and keeping the water at a regular temperature of 34 degrees. This fee is payable by members of the Kingfisher School of Swimming on the first week of the term a pupils starts and each July thereafter. This is not a fee that comes to the swim school. This fee is non-refundable under any circumstances


  • When you sign our terms & conditions, you take responsibility for the fact that you should declare any medical conditions your child might have and you’ve checked things out with your doctor before starting with us.
  • Medical conditions must be disclosed to the Kingfisher School of Swimming regarding the health of your child. All information received is treated in confidence and with sensitivity.
  • If your child is has a heavy cold, sinusitis or an ear infection we recommend they do not swim. Refunds are not given for missed lessons due to sickness.
  • Following on from sickness we request your child be clear of any symptoms for 48 hours prior to attendance at class.
  • Children must not swim if they have had a diarrhoeal illness in the past 14 days, as advised by the NHS.
  • If a swimmer has broken a limb, requires an operation or has been given a medical reason why they cannot attend the remaining lessons, then we will consider transferring the lessons to the next term. Only the number of weeks remaining from the term will be held and carried over and the weeks cannot be backdated for missed lessons.
  • Any swimmer known to be or found to be suffering from any infectious ailment or condition will not be allowed to participate in the lesson and it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian of the swimmer to ensure that the swimmer is fit and well enough to participate. The Kingfisher School of swimming will not accept liability for any infection passed to a swimmer by another swimmer on the course or in the pool.

Disruptive Pupils

  • On rare occasions, if a child proves incompatible with the general well-being of the class, e.g. they are involved in bullying or are engaged in disruptive or aggressive behaviour, we reserve the right to exclude them. No refund will be made for any remaining lessons booked.
  • In our many years of experience we realise that in some instances the mix of some pupils within a class may not always be a positive one and can be disruptive for other members of the group. In this instance so long as the pupil is not involved in any of the actions noted above we will endeavour to offer an alternative time for the pupil in question. If the time or day is not suitable and no arrangement can be met then a refund will be at the discretion of the proprietor.


  • All Instructors are qualified and experienced swimming teachers and hold the relevant ASA / STA certificate(s).
  • We pride ourselves on our high Instructor to swimmer ratio, ensuring your child will receive above average attention.
  • As some physical contact with your child is unavoidable all staff adhere to Child Protection Procedures and are DBS (CRB) checked..
  • We have a great record on instructor continuity but on occasion if an instructor is unwell or cannot attend a session, in most cases the assistant (most of whom are also qualified instructors) will take over the lesson and a replacement assistant will be provided. In the case where the assistant is not a fully qualified instructor then one of the other Kingfisher School of Swimming instructors will provide cover.

Pool closure

  • Pool closures happen on rare occasions, making it necessary to cancel lessons. We will in these cases endeavour to contact you via a text message prior to the class time.

Lost Property

  • The Kingfisher School of Swimming does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss of property or articles left on the premises (whether being worn or left in the pool/changing rooms) or within the grounds/car park of the premises.
  • Any lost property found is recorded and filed and kept until the end of the current term. After this point the lost property not collected will be given to local charity shops.


  • The Jubilee Pool is owned by Mencap and is situated within the grounds of Hillingdon Manor School, which is a school for children with autism. On entry from Harlington road into the school grounds there is a car park which may be used. The car park is quite small and parking is limited. We have very good relations with the school and they have given permission for our customers to be able to park in the playground in front of the pool (gates will be open from 4pm on Monday Tuesday & Wednesdays). You may also park in front of the school. Please note that Harlington Road has parking restrictions on weekdays after 4pm.
  • Parents/guardians must supervise children at all times inside and outside the pool building and around the parking areas.
  • Whilst waiting in your cars you should not leave the engine running.


  • All users of the Mencap Jubilee pool should make themselves familiar with the pool’s rules. These are displayed at the pool.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for their children at all times in the changing area and entrance area. They should always be under the direct supervision of an adult who is not taking part in the lesson and never be left unattended. Children running on wet surfaces can very easily slip and hurt themselves. Children are not the Kingfisher School of Swimming’s responsibility until the instructor takes them for their lesson.
  • Parents should remain close to the pool building (usually in your vehicles) when their child/ren is/are swimming.
  • In the absence of any proven negligence, lack of due diligence or breach of duty by the instructor(s),or the Kingfisher School of Swimming, the participation of you, your spouse/partner, child or those in whose care you have placed your child for the purpose of attending or observing the Kingfisher School of Swimming sessions is done so entirely at your and their own risk.
  • The Kingfisher School of Swimming shall not be held responsible for any personal injury or fatality that may occur.
  • Responsibility for all applications of swimming practised outside of the Kingfisher School of Swimming classes both now and in the future is borne by you and not the Kingfisher School of Swimming.


  • Spectating is offered to current members of the swim school twice during the term. During these weeks you may stay at the pool and watch your child during their lesson.
  • You will be advised of the watching weeks via the termly newsletter, notice on the noticeboard and a text sent a week before.
  • New members of the swim school may watch for the first 4 weeks to ensure their child settles in. You will then be contacted via text to advise that the 4 weeks are finished and you should now wait outside the building until 5 minutes before the end of the lesson, when you should re-enter to observe your child leaving their lesson.


  • Please note that due to child protection regulations photography (including camera phones) and video filming are not permitted during the Kingfisher School of Swimming lessons.
  • The Kingfisher School of swimming cannot be held liable for the actions of third parties and, therefore, excludes to the fullest extent possible by law, any liability arising from a breach of this section headed “Photography” by any party.